Getting Ready for Enrollment: Rhode Island Parent Information Network Starts Consumer Assistance Program

With enrollment around the corner, states have begun to think about the help consumers will need to enroll in coverage.

News from the Land of Lincoln and New Resources from Community Catalyst

Last week, Illinois became the fourth state to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and take the next step in creating a dual eligible demonstration project aimed at integrating care.

Essential Health Benefits: A little changed, a lot to monitor

Last week, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released the final rule for Essential Health Benefits, Actuarial Value, and Accreditation. This anticipated rule was largely unchanged from its original form.

Improving Medicaid: Federal help to expand home care

Is your state still stowing in nursing homes people who could live at home with adequate help ? Is the state spending millions of Medicaid dollars on institutional long-term care when they could get federal funds to expand the less expensive community ser

Health Equity in Focus: Ten Tips for Engaging Communities of Color in Policy Change: Lessons from a Health Equity Roundtable

A few years ago, a handful of advocates might have gathered together to discuss the issue of health equity and best practices for engaging communities of color in policy campaigns. A few weeks ago at the Health Action conference hosted by Families USA, we

Cross Post: The ACA’s Valentine to Veronica and Her Family: Peace of Mind

Health, happiness and success are three of the most common wishes parents have for their children’s future.

Cross Post: Esquire: The Man Who Killed Osama bin Laden... Is Screwed (updated)

Last September, we wrote about the crisis of uninsured veterans. A national study we helped with found that 1 in 10 veterans are uninsured (for more statistics, see this amazing graphic).

This Week's Shout Out Goes to....(drumroll please!) #5

State Consumer Health Advocates! It’s only February, but advocates are already winning significant victories in 2013, a critical year for implementing the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Navigators, Assisters, and Counselors, Oh My!

By now we know that upwards of 30 million Americans will have new, more affordable health coverage options available to them by January 1, 2014. But what many don’t realize is how incredibly difficult it can be to understand and choose the right health in