The Takeaway: Paul Ryan's Health Care To-Do List
Let's cut through the fog and look at what the real repeal agenda and its effects would be.
Dually Eligible Beneficiaries Placed in “Double Jeopardy” By Threats to Medicaid and Medicare
Beyond the unfolding rush to repeal the ACA, proposals in favor among Republican congressional leaders and the nominee for HHS Secretary, Rep. Tom Price, would permanently rework the structure and financing of Medicaid...
People with Complex Health Needs Facing a Step Back into the Dark Ages with ACA Repeal
Here's why Republican threats to repeal the ACA should be worrisome to consumers with complex needs and to their providers, caregivers, advocates and collaborators...
Repealing the ACA Puts Children at Risk
Just before the end of December, when people were shutting off their news feeds and setting up their out-of-office emails, advocates in Arizona held a press event to highlight the devastating impact the repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)...
Repealing the Affordable Care Act without a Replacement Hurts Seniors
This guest blog is part of a series to highlight the dangers of repealing the Affordable Care Act. Multiple times a week, Community Catalyst will highlight a different constituency to draw attention to the benefits the ACA has afforded them...
ACA Repeal: So Much to Lose for People with Substance Use Disorders
Given the devastating toll the opioid epidemic is having on our communities, the promise from congressional Republicans and President-elect Trump to repeal the Affordable Care Act would hardly Make America Great Again.
Gathering Light: Year-End Reflections
This final 2016 edition of Health Innovation Highlights comes to you on the Winter Solstice. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, today we experience the inflection point from the days getting shorter, to the gift of a few...
What's at Stake for Women if the ACA is Repealed?
What’s at stake for women, as politicians in Washington pledge to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA), as soon as January? Just ask 38-year-old Trei Clark of Atlanta.
The Takeaway: Moving the Goalposts
Last week, House Republicans engaged in a bit of fancy word-play to obscure the fact that millions of people are going to lose their health insurance once they start hacking away at the Affordable Care Act (ACA).