Reflecting on last week’s victories
The ACA and marriage equality decisions are the culmination of years of policy and legal strategies, organizing, and advocacy.
So Much PRIDE: Marriage Equality and the Affordable Care Act
We’re still celebrating the Supreme Court’s decisions regarding health care and marriage equality from last week. But, we’ve also now taken time to evaluate just what these decisions mean—together.
Closing the Gap Is About More Than Just the Bottom Line, But It Helps
Failing to close the gap is a missed opportunity for consumers, hospitals and states. The uninsured rate in the 30 states (including D.C.) that have closed the gap fell from 18 percent to just below 11 percent.
Yes, Remove the Flag. And Close the Coverage Gap to Really Address Racial Inequality
South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley has called for the removal of the Confederate flag from the State House. Yet, she remains adamantly opposed to accepting the federal dollars set aside to extend Medicaid coverage to low-income South Carolinians.
The Takeaway: The ACA is Here to Stay...
This week the Supreme Court issued a strong decision upholding the availability of federal tax credits in all states regardless of whether health insurance is purchased on a state or federally-operated insurance marketplace.
When Insurers Give You Lemons, Make Lemonade
Signs of summer are everywhere, and while you’re enjoying your iced coffee and reading the news on your front porch it’s hard to miss the overstated headlines predicting where the 2016 proposed health insurance rates will ultimately land.
Going the Extra Mile for Rural Hospitals
This month, a small town mayor, Adam O’Neal, and civil rights activist, Bob Zellner, are leading a 283 mile walk from Belhaven, NC to Washington, DC to call on lawmakers to close the coverage gap and help ensure that rural hospitals can remain open.
New rules on Special Enrollment Periods give consumers more flexibility to get covered
Once open enrollment ends a person can only join a Marketplace health plan, or change to a different one, if they qualify for a Special Enrollment Period (SEP).
Network Adequacy: Are We There Yet? We're Getting Closer!
If you’re looking for summer plans, look no further! From now until September, it’s time to weigh in on 2016 Marketplace plans.