The Smart Shopper's Guide to Medicaid Managed Care Plans
In this season of giving, Community Catalyst has teamed up with the Kaiser Family Foundation to create an online tool that gathers in one place, for the first time, key data on the records of these companies.
What Consumers Say About Medicaid Should Be Part of the Discussion
As the fight to close the coverage gap continues in 23 states, critics openly question the value of Medicaid and even claim that it is not better than being uninsured. But recent data unsurprisingly reveals potential beneficiaries do not see it that way.
Choosing Wisely
Seeing patients at my local health clinic, I recently had a fairly typical day for many doctors.
Thanksgiving Reflections: Open Enrollment and Children's Health
As consumer health advocates celebrated Thanksgiving last week, we had much to be thankful for. As we ate our turkey, we were thankful not only for friends, family and good health, but also for millions of Americans enrolling in health coverage.
What are you thankful for? Proposed regulation around Essential Health Benefits!
Last Friday afternoon, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) under the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) published the highly anticipated 2016 Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters (BPP) rule. The BPP addresses a number of consumer...
Celebrating Successes: Protecting Access to affordable and quality coverage and care for people living with HIV
Dedicated advocacy has led to important successes in protecting health insurance coverage and health care access for people living with HIV. Below are three recent successes, both advocates working at the state and federal levels.
Advocacy Strategies to Address Discrimination in Health Plans Part 2: New Discrimination and Barriers to Care for People Living with HIV/AIDS
This guest blog post is the second blog in a series on discrimination in health plans. In this blog we highlight how discrimination in health plans affects people living with HIV/AIDS and policy recommendations to address the issue. While the...
Transforming Our Health System: Bringing Drug and Alcohol Treatment into the Fold
With more people gaining access to care, this is a crucial time to strengthen the way we provide and pay for health care. Integrating services for drug and alcohol problems with other care can play a big role in transforming the health system.
We’re Calling the Play: Ready, Set, Enroll!
The Affordable Care Act’s second open enrollment period starts tomorrow! On Saturday, November 15, millions of Americans can begin enrolling in and renewing their quality, affordable health coverage through the Marketplaces.