PAL welcomes our newest coalition member: Minnesota State Retiree Council, AFL-CIO

  ·  Health Policy Hub

Prescription Access Litigation is pleased to welcome the newest member of our coalition, the Minnesota State Retiree Council, AFL-CIO.

The Council is the umbrella organization of union retirees clubs and local unions with retirees throughout Minnesota. It provides retired union members and spouses official representation within the Minnesota AFL-CIO, and enables retired trade unionists to speak with a unified voice on public policy issues. The Council publishes a bimonthly newsletter, the Gopher Retiree, and produces a local cable television show, Voices of Experience.

The Prescription Access Litigation coalition has more than 130 organizational members that represent over 13 million individuals. The coalition includes consumer advocacy organizations, senior citizen groups, health care advocacy groups, labor unions, union benefit funds, nonprofit health plans, and others. PAL coalition members join class action lawsuits, help get the word out about new lawsuits and settlements, and participate in advocacy campaigns to curtail runaway drug marketing and unethical drug pricing. If your organization is interested in joining the PAL coalition, learn more here.