Preemption: The Movie! Alliance for Justice's "Access Denied"

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The good folks over at Alliance for Justice are premiering a new 22-minute documentary about Diana Levine, the Vermont musician who lost her forearm to gangrene caused by a prescription drug made by Wyeth, and whose suit against Wyeth has gone all the way to the Supreme Court.

Here's the description:

When Diana Levine went to the hospital in April 2000 seeking relief for a severe migraine headache, the professional musician and children’s record producer never imagined that faulty drug labeling would result in the amputation of her arm. Today she is at the center of a closely-watched Supreme Court case and a national debate about the federal courts and corporate accountability.

Produced in conjunction with 12-time Emmy award-winning producers/directors Jon Alpert and Matt O’Neill, Alliance for Justice’s documentary Access Denied?: The Fight for Corporate Accountability tells Ms. Levine’s powerful story and exposes the slow but steady transformation of our federal courts into institutions that favor corporate interests over everyday Americans. Through an examination of Diana Levine’s case against Wyeth Pharmaceuticals - and the experiences of others like her - Access Denied? takes the legal issue of preemption out of the courtroom and into the real world, where millions of Americans find themselves unable to access the courts and hold corporations accountable for their misconduct.

And here's the trailer:

Bradley Whitford, of West Wing fame and other films & TV shows, is promoting the film. (If I may digress for a moment: Your humble blogger once was a humble stage crew intern at an off-off-Broadway theater in Hell's Kitchen in New York in 1987. A then-completely-unknown Bradley Whitford was in a one-act play in said theater. So was Marisa Tomei, who at the time was NOT unknown, because she was in the Cosby Show spinoff series "A Different World." One exciting night saw Lisa Bonet and then-hubby Lenny Kravitz come to see the show.)

And speaking of celebtrity actors, one can't help but wonder: Who would play Rep. Henry Waxman in the feature film?

Rep. Henry Waxman

There are plenty of good candidates in the roster of bald actors, such as:

Sir Ben Kingsley:

Or perhaps Alan Arkin:

Alan Arkin

Or Robert Duvall:

We could do this all day! Your other Waxman portrayal suggestions welcome in the comments.