This Week’s Shout Out Goes to… (Drumroll please!) #4

  ·  Health Policy Hub

Women’s Health Advocates!

Things you missed if you’ve been living under a rock this week: The United States Women’s gymnastics team took home the gold medal on Tuesday, and millions of other American women celebrated gaining access to new preventive benefits without a co-pay thanks to the Affordable Care Act. Health advocates across the country heralded the benefits for women everywhere.

Raising Women’s Voices has been counting down the days to these new preventive benefits through their Countdown to Coverage campaign. Leading up to August 1, they shared “What’s in it (the ACA) for Women.” From breastfeeding counseling and supplies to HIV and STI screening and counseling all without a co-pay, Countdown to Coverage showed that there’s a lot in it for women!

Colorado Consumer Health Initiative created a new video through their Thanks Obamacare campaignsuccinctly highlighting some of the ways being a woman just got easier. While only 15 seconds long, the video goes a long way in educating people about the benefits.

-- Christine Lindberg, Communications Associate