Pushing Flexibility in Medicaid for Supportive Housing
We hope our work will create a model for advocates in other states working to address both homelessness and communities with high health needs. [ Blog ]
Grantees in the Consumer Advocacy for Transformation project are pursuing health system changes that aim to develop and insert an organized, influential and permanent consumer voice in state and local health system.
The endurance of the ACA for over a decade is a testament to the strength of our collective efforts in the never-ending fight for progress. [ Alert ]
Community Catalyst is pleased to announce the launch of the Consumer Advocacy for Transformation program. [ Press Release ]
We hope our work will create a model for advocates in other states working to address both homelessness and communities with high health needs. [ Blog ]
This post in our Health System Transformation series is an update of the Jan. 26, 2016 blog post titled, “How America’s Social Structures Affect Our Health.” This updated post adds some key policy prescriptions that are central ... [ Blog ]
There is no partner information for Consumer Advocacy for Transformation.
The endurance of the ACA for over a decade is a testament to the strength of our collective efforts in the never-ending fight for progress. [ Alert ]
This report is a starting point for the next generation of consumer health advocacy that equips consumer advocates to take on the challenges and opportunities of transforming our health system. [ Publication ]
This brief provides a background on the types of health and health care disparities currently affecting our country, detail their drivers and summarizes some of the current and potential health system transformation options for addressing disparities. [ Publication ]
Advocacy Saves Lives: Housing as Health from Community Catalyst on Vimeo.
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