« The Dual Agenda: April 2, 2015 Issue
Featured Resources
Series 3 Tools Released: Meaningful Consumer Engagement Toolkit
More and more, delivery systems, including health plans and provider groups, are expected to develop consumer engagement strategies to elicit and act upon feedback from consumers and their family caregivers. The consumer voice is critical for these delivery systems to fully understand the diverse needs of their consumers as they coordinate a complex web of person-centered health care services and social supports. To that end, Community Catalyst has just published Series 3 of the Meaningful Consumer Engagement: A Toolkit for Health Plans, Provider Groups and Communities as an instructive resource for institutionalizing the consumer voice at the delivery system level. This latest series includes the following tools:
- Ladder of Engagement
- Creating Buy-In and Making Consumer Engagement a Top Priority
- Consumer Participation Within the Governance Structure
- Surveys
- Effective Member Newsletters
MACPAC and MedPAC Reports Released
The Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC) devoted a chapter in its March 2015 Report to Congress to the impact of Medicaid coverage of Medicare cost sharing on dually eligible enrollees’ access to care.
The Medicare Payment and Access Commission (MedPAC), in itsMarch 2015 Report to Congress, includes chapters that address areas where payment for Medicare and Medicaid services overlap for dually eligible enrollees, including skilled nursing facility services, home health care services and hospice services.
Improving Population Health through Medicaid Delivery System Reform
A new issue brief by the Center for Health Care Strategies, supported by the Milbank Memorial Fund’s Reforming States Group, explores state strategies for promoting population health through Medicaid Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs). It provides background information on population health approaches including some promising early examples from three states – Minnesota, Oregon and Vermont – that are working to embed population health strategies in Medicaid ACO program requirements.