« The Dual Agenda: April 15, 2015 Issue
Featured Resources
Community Catalyst Blog on Minority Health Month
In April and in recognition of National Minority Health Month, Community Catalyst published a blog on health disparities in the older adult population. The blog highlights the Winter 2014-2015 edition of Generations, the quarterly journal of the American Society on Aging. The special issue was devoted entirely to a broad range of articles on social and health disparities in America’s aging population.
Webinar Resources on Building an Equitable Health Care Delivery System
The National Academy for State Health Policy recently hosted a webinar on aligning payment models, creating new partnerships, and building infrastructure and data systems to achieve health equity. Speakers from Ohio and Louisiana described their states’ health equity initiatives and federal programs they are leveraging. An official from the CMS Office of Minority Health described the federal resources available to help states advance health equity and opportunities for alignment of federal and state activities.