« The Dual Agenda: April 30, 2015 Issue

State Highlights


The California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) released the latest enrollment numbers which show that 122,520 beneficiaries were enrolled in the Cal MediConnect dual demonstration project as of April 1. May and June pending enrollments are expected to total 21,168 beneficiaries.

In other news, the Personal Assistance Services Council (PASC) of Los Angeles County released a paper discussing communication with beneficiaries about progress in the Coordinated Care Initiative (CCI) in Los Angeles, including feedback they received and trends in information being reported from the program. PASC of LA conducted peer-facilitated discussions and telephone town hall meetings to gather their data.


The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services posted the latest enrollment numbers for the MedicareMedicaid Alignment Initiative (MMAI). As of March 2015, enrollment totaled 60,684 beneficiaries.


MassHealth, the state’s Medicaid program, released the April One Care enrollment report. As of April 1, the total number of enrollees is 17,621. The total number of opt-outs is 27,290.

In other news, MassHealth recently held a webinar on “Enhancing Care to Homeless Individuals Through One Care.”


The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) released a Request for Proposal (RFP) for one external entity to serve as the MI Health Link Ombudsman (MHLO). According to the RFP, the MHLO will begin no earlier than June 15, 2015.

New York

The Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office posted “Frequently Asked Questions for Home Health Providers” about New York’s Fully Integrated Duals Advantage (FIDA) Plan.  


John Arnold, Project Manager of the Ohio Consumer Voices for Integrated Care (OCVIC) coalition, led by UHCAN Ohio, has launched a weekly online radio program, Voices, on WCRS, Columbus Community Radio. On the show, John hosts health professionals and consumers joining him to talk about issues related to healthcare. Recent episodes on topics including Dental Access and Caregiving are archived for streaming. The show streams live every Friday at 4 p.m EDT. “Tune in” via your web browser on Friday May 8, at 4 p.m. when John’s guests will be UHCAN Ohio’s Health Equity Project Director, Nita Carter, and Voices for Better Health Senior State Advocacy Manager, Leena Sharma, on the topic: “Addressing Health Disparities Through the ACA.”

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