« The Dual Agenda: May 14, 2015 Issue

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CMS Releases High-Level Data on Medicare-Medicaid Enrollees

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released a free public use file version of their more comprehensive Medicare-Medicaid Linked Enrollee Analytic Data Source (MMLEADS). The file includes a range of key demographic, health condition prevalence, utilization and spending information. The data is aggregated nationally and broken out by state for full- and partial-benefit dual eligibles, as well as “Medicare-only” and “Medicaid-only (with disability)” enrollees.

New Brief Examines Person-Centered Care Planning

A new brief by Justice in Aging (formerly National Senior Citizens Law Center) examines how well states are implementing a 2014 rule that creates the right to person-centered care planning for Medicaid consumers of Long-Term Services and Supports. The brief provides: contextual background for the new person-centered planning and service plan rule; an analysis of the requirements of the new rule; examples of how selected states are implementing provisions of the rule.  The brief also identifies gaps where additional federal guidance, more detailed state rules, or better managed care plan contractual terms are needed to ensure that the promise of person-centered planning is made real.

Small Percentage of Medicaid-Only Population Account for Most of the Expenditures

A new report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) finds that a small percentage of Medicaid-only enrollees consistently accounted for a large percentage of total Medicaid expenditures. Using data from 2009 through 2011, the GAO examined the distribution of expenditures among Medicaid-only enrollees and found that the most expensive 5 percent  accounted for almost half of the expenditures for all Medicaid-only enrollees.

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