« The Dual Agenda: November 19, 2015 Issue
Featured Resources
New Health System Transformation Resources from Community Catalyst
Community Catalyst published an issue brief titled Demographic Health Disparities and Health System Transformation Drivers and Solutions that provides a background on the types of health and health care disparities currently affecting our country, details their drivers and summarizes some of the current and potential health system transformation options for addressing disparities.
Another recently published Community Catalyst issue brief is on community health workers (CHWs) and how this role has emerged as a valuable and proven resource to increase access to health care, improve care coordination and create better population health. Trusted Voices: The Role of Community Health Workers in Health System Transformation, highlights the role CHWs can play in health care delivery, identifies possible sources of funding and provides information about partnerships for involving community health workers in health system transformation. The resource draws heavily from the work done by advocates in Kentucky, Maryland and Ohio.
Kaiser Brief Discuss Social Determinants of Health
Kaiser Family Foundation released an issue brief, Beyond Health Care: The Role of Social Determinants in Promoting Health and Health Equity, that provides an overview of the broad factors that influence health and describes emerging efforts to address them, including initiatives within Medicaid.