Affordable Care Act

When President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA) into law, it marked a historic achievement in American history on par with the passage of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Community Catalyst was one of the organizations at the forefront of this effort, bringing the consumer perspective to lawmakers in Washington. The ACA brings comprehensive, affordable health care coverage to millions of the uninsured, improves care, ends discriminatory insurance practices and contains health care costs.

As the law is implemented, advocates continue to playan integral role by representing consumers when policies are established, programs are developed, and rules and guidelines are set in both state and federal agencies. As part of its work on implementing the ACA, Community Catalyst seeks to support the work of these advocates by providing: communications and policy resources on emerging issues, storybanking strategies, social media ideas, and other materials and strategies to help educate the public and activate grassroots constituencies.

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