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ACA Implementation | Coalition Building and Community Engagement | Cultural Competency | Communications | Health Disparities and Social Determinants of Health
Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR) highlights successes and lessons learned on the first enrollment period. The report also provides policy and programmatic recommendations for the next enrollment period. Immigrant families have important Marketplace eligibility details to consider. This page will help you understand your coverage options. The U.S. Immigrant and Customs Enforcement (ICE) confirms that immigrant parents are able to enroll eligible families members in health insurance program under the ACA without the fear of alerting authorities. The National Immigrant Law Center is helping mixed-status families navigate the Affordable Care Act. Sponsored by the Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum and the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare, these pre-recorded webinars discuss how the Affordable Care Act will increase health care access and reduce health care disparities. This Center for American Progress handout offers a broad overview of the insurance coverage benefits the Affordable Care Act makes possible for consumers, including LGBT individuals and families. It explores the changes made possible by Obamacare as well This is a helpful Center for American Progress background fact sheet which broadly explains the Consumer Marketplaces (Exchanges) that states and the Federal government will operate to provide consumers with reputable and comprehensive insurance coverage. This resource offers a closer look at the benefits LGBT people can expect to access because of greater coverages the ACA affords Medicaid programs in states. The fact sheet includes information detailing who is eligible for Medicaid, the differences betwe This checklist, created by Families USA and NHeLP, provides recommendations, tools, and advocacy strategies to ensure that state health insurance marketplaces (aka exchanges) are accessible for persons with limited English proficiency (LEP). Health insurance exchanges will have the opportunity to collect sexual orientation and gender identity data through optional demographic questions on exchange application forms. Lacking insurance coverage for transition-related care is one of the obstacles that many transgender Americans face. The report provides policy recommendations to ensure that Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander small business owners to maximize their options under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. SEIU Healthcare Minnesota and other advocates for consumers, patients and workers develop specific recommendations on reducing health disparities through the Exchange. This Center for American Progress handout explains that every state will have a unique process for establishing its exchange, meaning LGBT organizations can dramatically influence the inclusion of the LGBT community in their state's exchange. This Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum fact sheet explains how health care reform will provide coverage to countless uninsured and underinsured Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders. This Center for American Progress & National Coalition for LGBT Health report explains how the new health law already affects the LGBT community, and how they and their allies can continue to advocate for broad inclusion as the law is fully implemented be This report from Commonwealth Fund & Health Affairs finds that new financing strategies, performance measurement techniques, and technical assistance programs will be essential to ensuring that all populations are able to benefit from Accountable Care org This National Academy for State Health Policy report highlights select policy levers that can advance health equity, opportunities for state and federal agency collaborations to strengthen these efforts, and important lessons and considerations for advanc A new analysis from the Commonwealth Fund 2010 Biennial Health Insurance Survey demonstrates that when low-income adults have health insurance and a medical home, they are less likely to report cost-related access problems, more likely to be up-to-date wi Tracking equity advocacy is important, and does not need to be complex or daunting, even with the inevitable twists and turns of different efforts. PolicyLink developed GEAR, a new online suite of benchmarks, methods, and tools, to help advocates and orga This guide from The Office of Minority Health presents ten coalition building strategies and their corresponding steps. The reader will find illustrations of how strategies and steps are understood and applied throughout the document. In this fact sheet, the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health (NLIRH) discusses challenges and barriers that Latin@ trans and gender non-conforming individuals face in accessing reproductive health care, and the need to expand our discourse ar While there are many things that can be done to reduce health disparities, this document from American Public Health Association includes three starting points to eliminate health disparities in the long term. This Kaiser Health New feature explores how for the 25 million people in the United States with limited English proficiency, during hospitals visits, the potential for medical mishaps is multiplied. This Health Affairs article contends that racial and ethnic minorities face worse health and health care disparities--but some interventions have made a difference. In this report, National Urban League Policy Institute presents estimates of the economic burden health disparities impose on society through health care spending and workers' lost productivity, and identifies regions of the country and stakeholders for w SEIU Healthcare Minnesota and other advocates for consumers, patients and workers develop specific recommendations on reducing health disparities through the Exchange. While Latinos are affected by a wide range of risk factors and diseases, nearly every health disparity they experience could be prevented or more effectively managed given timely access to health care. Unfortunately, a number of barriers--including a wide This Institute for Health Policy & Massachusetts General Hospital guide presents evidence of racial and ethnic disparities in health care and provides the rationale for addressing them, highlights model practices, and recommends a set of activities and re This Office of Minority Health THRIVE toolkit helps communities bolster factors that will improve health outcomes and reduce disparities experienced by racial and ethnic minorities. It provides a framework for community members, coalitions, public health The manual explains how each element of the Care Model - Self Management, Decision Support, Clinical Information System, Delivery System Design, Organization of Health Care and Community - were applied to the improvement of perinatal oral health and the t Violence and fear of violence are major factors that undermine health and worsen health disparities and this fact sheet from the Prevention Institute describes violence and lack of safety as a health equity issue. This CDC fact sheet proposes that the persistent health disparities must be addressed with dual strategies -- both universal interventions available to everyone and targeted interventions for populations with special needs. After a systematic review and development process, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health has adopted new data standards for race, ethnicity, sex, primary language and disability status. Identifying disparities and effe This report from Institute for Alternative Futures introduces social determinants of health (SDH) efforts in the context of an increasing focus on the social determinants in federal health policy, academic research, and emerging care models. It concludes This fact sheet explains that although the term "disparities" often is interpreted to mean racial or ethnic disparities, many dimensions of disparity exist in the United States, particularly in health. Healthy People 2020 strives to impr Healthy People 2020 highlights the importance of addressing the social determinants of health. The Social Determinants of Health topic area within Healthy People 2020 is designed to identify ways to create social and physical environments that promote goo This report from Grantmakers in Health outlines strategic solutions and recommendations for funders conducting disparities-related work.ACA Implementation
The Affordable Care Act (ACA): A Reflection on Immigrant Access in Illinois
Immigrant families and the Marketplace
ICE Clarification on Immigrants’ Access to the ACA and Enforcement Issues
FAQ: The Affordable Care Act & Mixed-Status Families
The Health Care Law and You: In-Language Webinars
Health Reform: Helping You Keep Your Costs Down
Health Insurance Marketplaces
Health Reform: Expanding Medicaid Access
Language Access Checklist For Marketplace Implementation
FAQ: Collecting Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Data
FAQ: Health Insurance Needs for Transgender Americans
Opportunities and Challenges in the Affordable Care Act for Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Small Businesses
Addressing Health Disparities through Minnesota's Health Insurance
Making Obamacare Work for Your State -- LGBT State Exchanges Project at the Center for American Progress
The Impact of Health Care Reform on Health Coverage for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders
Changing the Game: What Health Care Reform Means for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Americans
The Promise and Peril of Accountable Care for Vulnerable Populations: A Framework for Overcoming Obstacles
State Policymakers' Guide for Advancing Health Equity through Health Reform Implementation
Achieving Better Quality of Care for Low-Income Populations: The Roles of Health Insurance and the Medical Home in Reducing Health Inequities
Coalition Building and Community Engagement
GEAR (Getting Equity Advocacy Results)
Building Coalitions Among Communities of Color - A Multicultural Approach
Cultural Competency
AT THE MARGINS OF CARE: The Need for Inclusive Health Care for Transgender & Gender Non-Conforming Latin@s
Health Disparities: The Basics
Trained Interpreters For Patients With Limited English Can Help Avoid Medical Mishaps
Policy Brief: Achieving Equity in Health (2011)
Health Disparities and Social Determinants of Health
The State of Urban Health: Eliminating Health Disparities to Save Lives and Cut Costs
Addressing Health Disparities through Minnesota's Health Insurance
Health and Nutrition
Improving Quality and Achieving Equity -- A Guide for Hospital Leaders
THRIVE (Toolkit for Health & Resilience in Vulnerable Populations) -- A Community Approach to Address Health Disparities
Oral Health Disparities Collaborative Implementation Manual
Links Between Violence and Health Equity
Health Disparities and Inequalities Report Fact Sheet
Reducing Health Disparities with Improved Data Collection: New Refined Data Standards for Race, Ethnicity, Sex, Primary Language, and Disability Status
Community Health Centers Leveraging the Social Determinants of Health Supported
Social Determinants of Health
Striving for Health Equity: Opportunities as Identified by Leaders in the Field