Resources About Dually Eligible Populations
ALERT: Speak up NOW on the state of health care
Tomorrow night’s state of the union marks the first time President Biden will speak to Congress. Our job is to remind the Biden administration and policymakers that health care is central to infrastructure – and the time to be bold is now.
ALERT: COVID Relief Money is Coming, Make Your Voice Heard
The funding coming into your state first and foremost must be responsive to the needs of people and communities impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic
ALERT: Celebrating 11 years of the Affordable Care Act
The endurance of the ACA for over a decade is a testament to the strength of our collective efforts in the never-ending fight for progress.
CCEHI comments to CMS on Massachusetts Medicare-Medicaid Duals Demonstration 2.0
Center for Consumer Engagement in Health Innovation Comments to CMS on the Massachusetts Medicare-Medicaid Integration Demonstration: Duals Demonstration 2.0
CCEHI Comment Letter on 2016 draft report of the MAP Dual Eligible Beneficiaries Workgroup
Center for Consumer Engagement in Health Innovation comments on National Quality Forum 2016 draft report of the Measure Application Partnership Dual Eligible Beneficiaries Workgroup (MAP Workgroup).
Letter to the Senate Finance Committee's Chronic Care Working Group
The Center for Consumer Engagement in Health Innovation at Community Catalyst respectfully submits the following comments to the Chronic Care Working Group’s Policy Options Document.
Key Consumer Provisions in the Dual Demonstrations: Findings from a Survey of ACAP Plans
This report on a survey conducted by Community Catalyst and the Association for Community Affiliated Plans (ACAP) recommends 15 policy and operational changes to improve the financial alignment demonstration for Medicare-Medicaid beneficiaries.
Rhode Island Memorandum of Understanding Fact Sheet
This fact sheet provides an overview of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the State of Rhode Island for a dual eligible demonstration project and key issues for advocates to monitor.
Letter to the Senate Finance Committee on Chronic Care
Community Catalyst’s comment letter to the Senate Finance Committee’s Chronic Care Working Group details recommendations on a range of critical policy issues that affect the provision and financing of care for the most vulnerable Medicare beneficiaries.
Meaningful Consumer Engagement
This toolkit helps health plans and provider groups effectively engage, learn from and strategize with their diverse members and communities about the best ways to deliver person-centered care and support.
Miles to Go: Progress on Addressing Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities in the Dual Demonstration Projects
This paper reports on progress to date addressing racial and ethnic health disparities in the dual demonstration projects and provides a set of recommendations to move forward toward realizing the health equity goals of the demonstrations.
Eldercare Workforce Alliance Toolkit for Advocates for Dually Eligible Older Adults
This toolkit can help advocates promote high-quality, coordinated, person and family-centered health care and LTSS for dually eligible older adults by ensuring the eldercare workforce is trained in gerontology and geriatrics best practices.
Strengthening Long-Term Services and Supports
This tool promotes consumer-focused MLTSS by making it easier to identify weaknesses and promote better practices. The tool combines a checklist for assessing MLTSS with examples of practices, policies or contract language that implement the criteria.
Short Checklist: How Consumer Focused Are Your State's Medicaid Managed Long Term Services and Supports?
This brief checklist can help quickly assess whether a Medicaid managed long-term services and support program is likely to meet consumer needs.
Checklist: How Consumer Focused Are Your State's Medicaid Managed Long Term Services and Supports?
This checklist is designed for use in evaluating Medicaid managed long-term services and supports programs. It includes detailed questions about key provisions that are important to consumers.
VIDEO: Voices for Better Health
Voices for Better Health is partnering with state and local advocates in five states, equipping them with the resources and expertise necessary to establish a voice for dual eligibles in the policy debate in their states and at the federal level.
A Seat at the Table: Consumer Engagement Strategies Essential to the Success of State Dual Eligible Demonstration Projects
This paper provides a blueprint for the structures needed to ensure consumers and their family members are at the decision-making tables in the federal demonstration projects to integrate care for people eligible for both Medicaid and Medicare.
Greater Than the Sum: Using Integrated Care to Reduce Racial and Ethnic Disparities among Dual Eligibles Role for Consumers
This guide explains how consumer advocates, particularly those from communities of color, can get involved in shaping these programs to advance health equity.
Greater Than the Sum: Using Integrated Care to Reduce Racial and Ethnic Disparities among Dual Eligibles
This report discusses the dual eligible demonstration projects as an opportunity to address racial and ethnic health disparities among the dual eligible population.
The Dual Eligible Demonstration Projects: State and Health Plan Readiness
This issue brief summarizes concerns around state and health plan capacity to implement the dual eligible demonstration projects and offers recommendations for evaluating readiness based on what matters most to beneficiaries.