Make the case Medicaid helps people and is popular
Tactic: Create a table of potential partners, allies, and stakeholders who can help build the case for Medicaid
Tactic: Collect stories to highlight Medicaid's current impact and the impact expanding Medicaid could have on individuals and families.
- New Mexico Facebook page used to find consumers who rely on Medicaid
- Maryland story collection form
- Michigan story collection form
Tactic: Create and circulate a petition or sign-on letter in support of Medicaid
- Michigan petition urging Governor Snyder to support the Medicaid expansion
- North Carolina petition urging Governor McCrory to support the Medicaid expansion
- Pennsylvania sign-on letter supporting the Medicaid expansion
Tactic: Engage providers in your campaign to promote Medicaid
- Community Catalyst blog and article in Health Progress that highlights strategies for engaging hospitals in making the case for Medicaid
- Messages for engaging providers in your campaign to promote Medicaid - including community healthcentersand hospitals
- Template one pager to make the case that providers should be engaged in your campaign to promote Medicaid
- Advocates in Utah worked with the Utah Medical Association to draft a resolution in support of the Medicaid expansion
- Brief highlighting Medicaid as a lifeline for Tennessee hospitals
Tactic: Help providers speak publicly about the importance of Medicaid and the need to protect and enhance Medicaid payments to providers.
- Template op-ed for providers to make the case for Medicaid
- Utah Medical Association's endorsement of the Medicaid expansion.
- Iowa Hospital Association policy brief supporting the Medicaid expansion
- Ohio Hospital Association media statement supporting the Medicaid expansion
- Brief from the South Carolina Hospital association that highlights the economic impact of the Medicaid expansion
- Indiana op-ed that highlights how the Medicaid expansion will benefit Indiana hospitals
Tactic: Help businesspeople or business organizations speak publicly about supporting Medicaid
- The president of the Business and Industry Association of New Hampshire's testimony in support of Medicaid
- The South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce weighs in with decision makers about the importance of Medicaid
- Op-ed from the Virginia Chamber of Commerce supporting the Medicaid expansion
- Small Business Majority report highlighting what Medicaid expansion means for Missouri's economy and small businesses
- Article highlighting why Florida businesses want Medicaid expansion
Tactic: Engage law enforcement community and substance use disorders and mental health constituencies in Medicaid expansion campaigns to highlight the impact of Medicaid on corrections, crime, and the related costs.
- The Senate Fiscal Agency in Michigan's estimates of the cost of the Medicaid expansion, which includes $32.3M in savings to the state's corrections health care costs
- Op-ed from a law enforcement executive highlighting that Medicaid can improve care and prevent crime
- Medicaid hearing testimonies from a Penobscot County sheriff, a Sagadahoc County sheriff, and NAMI Maineurging legislators to expand Medicaid in Maine
- Urban Institute report that highlights savings to Ohio's state corrections health care costs
- Community Oriented Correctional Health Services report that summarizes some of the findings regarding reduced crime rates from Washington State's experience expanding Medicaid coverage to childless adults
- Talking points on Medicaid expansion for sheriffs or police chiefs from the National Alliance on Mental Illness Ohio (Attachment)
- National Alliance on Mental Illness report on Medicaid expansion and mental health care
- Fight Crime: Invest in Kids report on accessing federal funds to provide essential Medicaid coverage in Michigan in addition to cut violence and cut prison costs
- Community Catalyst blog highlighting how expanding Medicaid will improve behavioral health care
Tactic: Engage rural constituencies to highlight the importance of Medicaid
- Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Fact Sheet highlighting how rural America will benefit from Medicaid expansion
- Article highlighting why Medicaid expansion is crucial for rural Missouri
Tactic: Engage veterans groups to highlight the importance of Medicaid
- Urban Institute report that breaks down, by state, the number and percentage of uninsured veterans and their families who will gain coverage from Medicaid expansion
- Factsheet highlighting why the Medicaid expansion is good for Tennessee veterans
- Article by the director of the Ohio Department of Veterans Services and co-chairman of the Ohio National Guard Association highlighting Medicaid expansion benefits for veterans
- Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families infographic highlighting the number of uninsured Arkansas veterans eligible for new coverage options
Tactic: Highlight how Medicaid advances health equity
- Urban Institute report that breaks down, by state and race/ethnicity, the number and percentage of uninsured adults who could gain health insurance coverage through the Medicaid expansion
- Center for American Progress brief highlighting how Medicaid will help LGBT people and their families get coverage
National Health Law Program brief on the 10 reasons the Medicaid Expansion Helps to Address Health Disparities
- New Mexico op-ed that highlights how the Medicaid expansion will benefit the Native American population
- Washington's MLK Lobby and Action Day, which included trainings, meetings with legislators and an action promoting racial equity
- Factsheet highlighting how the Medicaid expansion can benefit African Americans in Tennessee
- North Carolina brief that highlights how Medicaid can reduce health disparities
- Brief highlighting why the Medicaid expansion matters to Georgia's LGBT community
Tactic: Communicate effectively through traditional media about the importance of the Medicaid program.
- Editorial supporting Medicaid expansion from the Albuquerque editorial board
- Op-ed that highlights why Medicaid should matter to all middle-class families
- Op-ed that highlights how Medicaid helps people in Washington state
- Op-ed highlighting why not expanding Medicaid is bad for Georgians
Tactic: Communicate effectively through social media about the importance of the Medicaid program
- Medicaid and social media messaging guide
- Merry Medicaid Tumblr
- Infographic examining the impact of the Medicaid Expansion on Colorado's economy
- Infographic showing that Medicaid Expansion is a smart investment for Pennsylvania
- Infographic highlighting what will happen to thousands of working Arkansans if Arkansas does not expand Medicaid
- Texas advocates' My Medicaid Matters Facebook page
- New Mexico advocates' YouTube video highlighting that Medicaid rocks
- The Insuring our Future partnership's YouTube video highlighting that Medicaid matters in Colorado
- Voices for Utah Children's Mother's Day infographic that highlights what expanding Medicaid can do for women.
- Community Catalyst infographic highlighting support for Medicaid expansion in the Deep South
- Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City's infographics showing the Medicaid expansion's impact in Missouri and benefit to Missouri's economy
- Video making the case for Medicaid in Mississippi
- NAMI Ohio's videos featuring a police officer, psychiatrist, and a gentleman with treatment-resistant depression who all support Medicaid expansion
- Interactive map showing the uninsured Michiganians who would gain coverage under the Medicaid expansion
- Pennsylvanians demand Medicaid expansion via tumblr and Facebook
Tactic: Increase the number of new eligibles who enroll in Medicaid through strategic outreach and enrollment efforts
- Community Catalyst blog that highlights policy options from CMS that make Medicaid enrollment easier
- Connecticut Health Policy Project report and recommendations on Medicaid expansion outreach
- Health Action New Mexico community presentations on Medicaid expansion that draw a crowd using food and live blues and rock music
Other helpful toolkits
- Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families Medicaid toolkit -including great resources, videos, and infographics
- Tennessee Justice Center resource page with several factsheets on the Medicaid expansion and populations that will be helped
- Kentucky Voices for Health's Medicaid Expansion Page that includes great tools for making the case for Medicaid.