Savings and Revenue Options for Policymakers

Costs - whether they're perceived or real - are often the barrier to expanding Medicaid or protecting it against harmful cuts. Advocates have an opportunity to change the way policymakers think about Medicaid costs.  First, many of the perceived costs associated with the Medicaid expansion are outweighed by the savings the state would see in reduced uncompensated care and other expenses associated with the uninsured. Second, advocates can help policymakers move to a rational, progressive approach to sustaining the Medicaid program over the long term. 

Strategies to support sustainable Medicaid funding include: 

Promote the savings that expanding Medicaid may bring to your state



Maximize Medicaid Revenue

Tactic: Increase provider and HMO taxes, and use this revenue to bring more federal Medicaid matching funds to the state to support Medicaid and health care.



Tactic: Increase tobacco taxes, alcohol taxes, or taxes on sweetened beverages, and earmark the revenue for Medicaid.



Tactic: Encourage policymakers to scour the state budget and identify current state services that could bring in additional federal matching payments.


Reform Medicaid Payment and Delivery Systems 

Tactic: Promote payment and delivery system reforms that would save Medicaid dollars while improving patient care.



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