Expanding Substance Use Prevention and Early Intervention in Schools: A Toolkit

This toolkit provides information and resources to expand school-based services for substance use prevention and early intervention – including through Project Amp, a peer-delivered model being implemented in schools across the country.  

The toolkit includes three sets of resources:  

  1. Resources on expansion strategies and building advocacy campaigns, including pathways toward statewide expansion, and guides for leveraging funding from the Every Student Succeeds Act and federal COVID-19 relief dollars. 

  1. Advocacy resources for engaging stakeholders, including FAQs on youth Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT), fact sheets on the link between youth substance use and academic achievement, information on financing strategies and training resources for school personnel, and a summary of the evidence-base for youth SBIRT.  

  1. Advancing Project Amp, a Youth Peer-Delivered Model, including resources on funding Project Amp, Project Amp and COVID-19, and promoting Project Amp with different stakeholders: recovery community organizations, schools and school-based health centers, and state substance use service agencies.