« The Dual Agenda: January 14, 2016 Issue
Featured Resources
Provider Engagement and Incentives in Care Management – Webinar Recording Available
A webinar, hosted by the Integrated Care Resource Center in December, discussed promising practices for information-sharing and the building of stronger relationships between providers, plans, and the state of Minnesota to optimize care management. An audio recording of the webinar is available.
New Payment for Chronic Care Management and Implications for Dual Eligibles
The Integrated Care Resource Center published a new brief that discusses Medicare’s new payment to physicians and other practitioners for chronic care management services and the opportunity to better coordinate care for Medicare-Medicaid enrollees. The brief identifies opportunities for states and their contracting plans that serve Medicare-Medicaid enrollees to align Medicare and Medicaid coverage of care management. Such alignment could facilitate a more seamless and coordinated approach to providing the medical, behavioral and social supports covered under both programs.
Issue Brief on Capitation Rates for MLTSS Programs
The Center for Health Care Strategies published an issue brief which examines considerations for Medicaid managed long-term services and supports (MLTSS) rate setting and spotlights the experiences of eight states – Arizona, Kansas, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and Wisconsin – in establishing MLTSS payment rates.