PAL coalition member the Annie Appleseed Project announces its 2nd annual conference.
Second Annual Evidence-based CAM for Cancer Advocates January 8-10, 2009 * West Palm Beach, FL Palm Beach Airport Hilton
Surveys and studies show that 60-80% of people with cancer are either interested in, or using, complementary and alternative (CAM) approaches. And while the oncology community response to patient interest is growing, it continues to lag far behind the need.
The Second Annual Evidence-based CAM for Cancer Advocates Conference, sponsored by The Annie Appleseed Project, brings together advocates from many communities, as well as those with information on studies in CAM to strategize, network, and more, that would greatly benefit those with cancer.
This two and one-half-day education conference, held in West Palm Beach, FL, will focus on a multi-disciplinary approach, and will address issues such as nutrition, dietary supplements, mind-body-spirit relaxation techniques, exercise, hands-on therapies and much more. The many conference speakers include:
- Ann E. Fonfa, Patient Advocate, The Annie Appleseed Project
- Keith Block, MD, Integrative oncologist, Block Medical Center, Evanston, IL
- Charles Simone, M.MS., M.D., founder of Simone Protective Cancer Center, Lawrencville, NJ, author
- Lynne Farrow, Patient Advocate, AMAZON Group and Breast Cancer Choices Iodine Investigation Project
- Ralph W. Moss, author, editor of Cancer Decisions
- Tina Kaczor, ND, FABNO, President, Oncology Association of Naturopathic Physicians
- Susan Silberstein, Ph.D.,Exec Director, Center for Advancement in Cancer Education - national speaker on Nutrition
- Alicia Sirkin, B.F.R.P.The Sirkin Creative Living Center, LLC,Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner,Quantum Emotional Clearing Cert. Pract.
- Georgia M. Decker, APRN-BC
MORE We have exhibit tables too, and a conference journal that accepts advertising. Spaces are limited, so for more information including hotel reservations (October) and conference registration NOW OPEN visit: