ACA Opponents Grab a (Partial) 11th Circuit Win

In a 2-1 decision this past Friday, the 11th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in Atlanta handed ACA opponents a partial victory and dealt a partial blow to the Obama Administration and ACA supporters. While the ruling is frustrating to those working tireless

It’s Time to Reauthorize Funding to Train Pediatricians (and Use Funding to Train Other Physicians More Effectively)

It’s hard to imagine how children can stay healthy if there aren’t enough pediatricians to take care of them. And this is precisely the issue at stake as Congress decides whether to reauthorize the Children’s Hospitals Graduate Medical Education Payment P

Apps with that free lunch? Epocrates and the new face time

Late getting to this, but wanted to comment on a good post by physician-blogger Howard Brody about Epocrates and how smartphone apps are replacing the drug rep office visit. Brody points to a recent New York Times story about Epocrates, a company that mar

Are anti-fraud measures reducing access to needed cancer drugs?

During the last few years of recession, the brand-name drug industry has continued to charge higher and higher prices. In 2009, brand-name drug prices rose an average of 9%, while the recession kept prices in  nearly every other sector from rising, accord

Is there an unconflicted doctor in the house? Talking NIH, FDA conflicts with Sidney Wolfe

‪Pressure's building on the Office of Management and Budget to give a status update after Nature blog reported earlier this week that OMB may have tossed a rule proposed by NIH last year that would tighten conflict of interest reporting rules for biomedic

Moving from in principle to in practice: The FDA, EMA inspection pilots

When it comes to inspections, collaboration and info-sharing helped FDA and international regulators cover more ground globally, the agency said in a report on two pilot projects it conducted with its European and Australian counterparts. The two pilots,

Debt-Ceiling Compromise Kicks Medicaid Fight Down The Road

Yesterday, the president signed a bill that ended months of intense negotiations over lifting the country’s debt-ceiling. But for the fate of Medicaid – and the millions of seniors, people living with disabilities, and low-income children who rely on the

Another Historic Announcement Brought to You by the ACA

Today, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released new guidelines about women’s preventive health, and announced the services for women that insurance plans must cover without co-payments under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). We first discus

Medicaid and the Media: Sharing Stories for Good

The past few months have been rife with intense debate over our nation’s budget and the debt ceiling. Predictably, entitlement programs, especially Medicaid, have been on the chopping block in these conversations. While legislators were proposing plans th