What’s at Stake: SCOTUS, the Affordable Care Act, and Health Care for Millions of Americans
As our nation mourns the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the Trump administration and Senate Republicans are now rushing to confirm a conservative Supreme Court pick, Amy Coney Barrett, who shares their aim of ending the ACA.
Improving Addiction Services During COVID and Beyond: Take Our National Survey
Community Catalyst’s Substance Use Disorders team just launched a national online survey to increase the voice of people with substance use challenges and people in recovery in improving the system.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Legacy Inspires Us to Fight Hard (Again) to Protect Health Care
Since its passage, the ACA has survived numerous “near death” experiences. Another one now looms in November when the Health Care Repeal Lawsuit (California v Texas) is argued before a Supreme Court.
Top Three Reasons Why CMS Should Deny Georgia’s 1332 Waiver
Section 1332 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was intended to allow states to apply for waivers to reshape their health insurance and health care delivery systems in order to improve access to high-quality, affordable and comprehensive health coverage.
Director's Corner: Building for Resiliency - Toward a New System of Long-Term Care
It is long past time for a rethink of how we pay for and deliver long-term care, starting from what consumers and caregivers need, and also examining how we build a workforce and care delivery system that values resiliency, not just efficiency.
The Lown Institute Hospitals Index – Evaluating Hospitals on What Matters
The coronavirus pandemic has made clear the importance of high-quality hospitals for the health of communities, particularly communities of color and low-income communities. The pandemic has also exposed areas in serious need of improvement if hospitals are to equitably deliver...
As Families Grapple with Schooling Stresses, Congress Must Act
The dual task of creating healthy spaces for teachers and students while also delivering high-quality educational content is a resource-intensive task and without additional, equitably distributed support, will ultimately fail those who are most at-risk.
New CMS Data Highlights Impact of COVID-19 on Older Adults and Dually Eligible Consumers
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has released new data detailing the impact of COVID-19 on Medicare beneficiaries. As many consumers and advocates are acutely aware, the pandemic has had a disproportionate impact on older adults.
Racial Concordance, Part 2: Leveraging Community Resources to Expand Concordance
The maternal health crisis offers us a case study in why it matters – and during the current pandemic, why we cannot wait and must include funding and programmatic investments to steer our health systems toward justice.