Yea ACA!

  ·  Health Policy Hub

To mark the first anniversary of the Affordable Care Act this week, Health Policy Hub will be cross posting blogs from our state partners that show how people in their states are benefitting from the law. This blog was originally posted on the Pennsylvania Consumer Health Coalition blog.

You’ve heard the old adage, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Perhaps this is most true in regard to the free preventive screenings and wellness visits made available to Medicare beneficiaries through the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Knowing that it’s both cost-effective and a component of good health to do preventive testing (mammograms, colonoscopies, flu shots, etc.) the ACA provides these services and an annual wellness visit to persons enrolled in Medicare.

According to the recently released data from “Families USA,” in Pennsylvania 2.26 million persons have access to these services.

It’s a wise move to receive preventive screenings — one’s health depends upon it.

It’s an even wiser move for our nation to support and continue moving forward in the implementation of the ACA — the health and well-being of our citizenry depends upon it.

-- Sally Jo Snyder, Director of Advocacy and Consumer Health Engagement Pennsylvania Consumer Health Coalition