After the Elections: What’s Next? A Look at Social and Economic Health Determinants

Here are three key ways health care advocates can help the health care system engage proactively on SDOH

The Takeaway: After the Big Sigh of Relief, What’s Next?

At the same time, the election took a serious bite out of the population of red state Democrats in the Senate. While several Democrats won in states carried by President Trump (Brown, Tester, Manchin).

Director’s Corner: Counting Chads – A Post-Election Recap

It’s been over a week since election day, and final counts (and, in some cases, recounts) are still underway. But the broad outlines have come into view: the Senate will remain under Republican control, the Democrats have gained a clear...

Eldercare Voices: Spotlight – Learning to Appreciate Integrated Care to Address Mental Health Needs

Gregg Warshaw, M.D.   The practice of geriatric medicine is characterized by an inter-professional approach. During my career I’ve been fortunate to practice in settings with comprehensive team-based care.  Most recently, for the past three years, I have been working...

Behind the headlines: How support for Medicaid shaped the midterms

Utah, Nebraska and Idaho are the three most obvious illustrations of this phenomenon.

Message from Community Catalyst on the Deadly Attack on the Tree of Life Congregation

Today, we are grieving yet another senseless act of violence, a crime motivated by hatred and carried out in a sacred place of worship.

For People Living with HIV/AIDS, the Revised Public Charge Rule Could Mean Life or Death

Expansion of 'public charge' would incite a public health crisis and worsen the HIV/AIDS epidemic by undermining the ability of immigrants living with HIV/AIDS meet their health care needs.

The Takeaway: Who Are You Going To Believe, Me Or Your Own (Lying) Eyes?

In the past week we have seen Republican leaders such as the President and Senate Majority Leader along with many House and Senate candidates take to the media to try to persuade the public that they will protect people with pre-existing conditions.

Dedicated Community Members Leading by Example in Rhode Island

In 2016, Rhode Island established a consumer-led Implementation Council (IC) for the state’s dual eligible demonstration project, the Integrated Care Initiative (ICI). This body is a community member-led council that is supported by the state’s Executive Office of Human Services...