Purposeful. Effective. Equitable.

I recently attended Health Care for All’s (HCFA) 4th Annual Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) Conference in Massachusetts, which was incredibly informative and inspiring. HCFA was a major force behind the passage of the 2008 law that required all...

Seeing Providers as Partners to Tackle Discrimination and Implicit Bias in Health Care

In the aftermath of the unsettling tragedy that unfolded in Orlando last month, we are again reminded about the issue of discrimination and its relation to health care.

Preparing for the Launch of Community HealthChoices in the Three River City

When Pennsylvania launches its Community HealthChoices (CHC) program for older adults and individuals with disabilities over the next few years, it will join a growing number of states shifting to managed care plans to provide long-term services and supports (MLTSS)...

The Takeaway: Problems With The House Republican ACA Replace "Plan"? Let Me Count The Ways

After six-plus years of rhetoric and sixty-some repeal votes, the House Republican caucus finally produced a document they refer to as a plan to replace the Affordable Care Act. (To call the plan disappointing would be an understatement. Despite my...

Momentum Is On Our Side: Vermont Votes Yes on Dental Therapists

On Monday, Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin signed a new law that will allow dental therapists to work in Vermont. It’s an exciting victory on a number of levels. To start, this makes Vermont the fourth state to add dental therapists...

Florida Needs More Than Flowers

Last June, following the mass murder in Charleston, South Carolina, Anton Gunn, a South Carolinian and Community Catalyst board member, commented on Governor Nikki Haley’s (R-SC) change of heart about taking down the Confederate flag from the grounds of the South...

Empowering Consumers in Patient-Centered Medical Homes

(Last year, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation launched a joint initiative with Community Catalyst called the Value Advocacy Project (VAP). The project is supporting consumer health advocacy organizations in six states in their non-lobbying advocacy efforts to pursue local and...

Reflections on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2016

The distressing crime of elder abuse often occurs in quiet, private settings, making a vocal, public response that much more important. Let us strengthen our resolve to end this problem as part of our broader efforts to create a life...

A Nurse in EVERY School

While school nurses have long been recognized for their vital role in supporting children’s educational success through better health, there is increasing recognition that school nurses are integral to reforming our health care delivery system. School nurses are the eyes...