Advancing Health Equity in a New Era of Health System Transformation

In a recent blog we shared reflections on our health equity journey and identified health system transformation (HST) as the next frontier of health care advocacy.

Advancing Health Equity in a New Era of Health System Transformation

In a recent blog we shared reflections on our health equity journey and identified health system transformation (HST) as the next frontier of health care advocacy. Promoting health equity is an organizational priority at Community Catalyst and one of the fundamental pillars of our...

The Takeaway: Having Their Cake and Eating It Too

Last night in a cynical act of political theatre, the Senate passed a bill to eliminate major provisions of the Affordable Care Act including expanded Medicaid coverage and tax credits for people who don't have affordable employer coverage. Of course,...

Dear South, There's Hope!

In the last two weeks, some major developments have rekindled hope for hundreds of thousands of Southerners left in the coverage gap. Since a disproportionate number of people in the coverage gap, 90 percent, live and work in the South,...

Marketplace-CHIP Comparability Study Is Out: Where Do We Go from Here?

Just before the Thanksgiving holiday, Health and Human Services (HHS) released the long awaited Certification of Comparability of Pediatric Coverage Offered by Qualified Health Plans.

Reflections on Our Health Equity Journey

In late October the Community Catalyst Health Equity Executive Team members attended the PolicyLink Equity Summit in sunny downtown Los Angeles.

Payment Reform: Creating a $trong Foundation for Health System Transformation

In a blog two weeks ago, we sketched out a multi-part agenda addressing what Community Catalyst believes are the key areas on which consumer advocates should focus in the midst of the current changes in the organization of health services....

UnitedHealth Feeling the Pain of Being Late to the Party

UnitedHealth’s recent fretting about their plans in ACA marketplaces not boosting their bottom line as much as they had hoped and open pondering of pulling out of marketplaces next year (while actually expanding this year) is disappointing in the attention...

Have You Checked Your State’s Essential Health Benefits Selection Lately? It’s Worth a Look.

This November, Maine is feeling thankful that the ACA is improving coverage for children and adults with autism.