Campaigning for Quality
Maryland is implementing innovative changes to how hospitals are paid. At the Maryland Citizens’ Health Initiative, we believe consumer involvement will be essential to achieving the goals of lower costs and better quality care.
An Open Letter: Dear Governor, Protect Coverage
As you continue budget conversations with your state legislature, state consumer health advocates urge you to protect health insurance coverage programs that help consumers achieve financial stability and good health.
Happy Fifth Birthday, ACA!
The passage of the ACA was a monumental achievement for individuals and organizations across the country. We continue to be incredibly proud of all our state partners who have worked tirelessly to implement the law.
Slow but Steady: Red States Make Progress Closing the Coverage Gap
A few recent headlines suggest that red states stopped making progress on closing the coverage gap, but these headlines don’t accurately describe the coverage gap debate.
States Report that Closing the Coverage Gap is Good for Budgets
The evidence confirming that closing the coverage gap is good for working families and state budgets continues to pile up.
A Tribute to Andy Hyman
Last week the health care justice community lost one of our visionaries and strongest leaders, Andy Hyman.
It’s time to start talking about Essential Health Benefit benchmark plans!
It seems like a distant memory when states had to choose their Essential Health Benefit (EHB) benchmark plans. However this process will repeat itself, as states have the option to pick new benchmark plans for the 2017 plan year based on a 2014 plan.
Closing the Gap in Kentucky Brings Better Coverage, New Jobs, State Savings, and a Boost to Providers
Good news from Kentucky provides compelling evidence that closing the gap is the right decision, and we hope other states take note.
Moving CHIP Forward: Discussion Draft Demands Response
Yesterday, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Hatch (R-UT), House E&C Chairman Upton (R-MI), and Representative Pitts (R-PA) released a discussion draft that outlines their vision for the future of CHIP.