President Biden’s Executive Orders Take First Steps to Demonstrate the Full Potential of Medicaid
On Thursday, January 28, President Biden signed several executive orders intended to strengthen “Americans’ Access to Quality, Affordable Health Care,” including the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid.
Addressing Racial Inequities Laid Bare by COVID-19 Requires a Renewed Commitment to Community Partnership
As health care organizations struggle with the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is tempting to view consumer and community engagement as a secondary activity; however, it is times like this when engagement is most important.
Federal Relief from Surprise Medical Bills on the Way
When Izzy Benasso suffered a knee injury from a game of tennis, she underwent surgery, later receiving a total bill of $96,377 from Sky Ridge Medical Center in Lone Tree, Colorado. After several adjustments and discounts by the hospital, Izzy...
What the New Medicare “Geo” Model May Mean for Dually Eligible Individuals
Last month, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) unveiled a pilot, value-based Medicare delivery and payment model called the Geographic Direct Contracting model, or “Geo.” This pilot is set to launch in January 2022, and will allow different...
Last Ditch Approval of Tennessee's Medicaid Block Grant Proposal Causes Alarm
While the country was distracted and reeling in the aftermath of the violence that had been perpetrated just days earlier at the United States Capitol, CMS approved Tennessee’s 1115 Medicaid block grant proposal on Jan. 8.
Building Sustainable Fundraising Strategies During the COVID Era
At the Center, we are committed to helping advocates in finding sustainable funding for their goals. We work continually with our partners to grow their fundraising capacity through our Technical Assistance (TA).
New Year, Newly Improved Medicaid Program – NEMT Strengthened in Year-End Omnibus/Relief Bill
The year-end omnibus appropriations/COVID-19 relief funding bill has come under a lot of scrutiny for being too little, too late. However, there is one silver lining that the health care advocacy community is excited about – the codification of non-emergency...
Dismantling White Supremacy in the Oral Health System Starts with Community Power Building
Health justice starts with the work we do with ourselves and the spaces we have access to, that we are not alone in this movement and through pushing forward, a better tomorrow becomes possible.
Eldercare Voices, COVID Edition: Rhode Island Organizing Project
The Rhode Island Organizing Project (RIOP) has been engaged in community organizing since 1993. Ray Gagne is executive director of RIOP and Marjorie Waters is a longtime community organizer with the organization.