Feds, States and Health System Need to Take Action to Reduce Disproportionate Medical Debt Burden on Black Communities

It is impossible to ignore the acute devastation faced by many Black individuals and their families during the current dual public health and economic crises.

How Federal Policymakers Can Advance Racial Equity in Oral Health

February, being both Black History Month and Children’s Dental Health Month, presents an opportunity to ensure that oral health is not forgotten among the many glaring inequities facing Black, indigenous and other communities of color in our country.

Federal Action is Critical to Protect Consumers from Medical Debt

As Congress presses ahead on crafting its COVID-19 relief package, one of the issues they should address is the growing problem of medical debt. Medical debt is one of the leading causes of personal bankruptcy and has caused irreparable harm...

Uniting Health Equity and Vaccinations: Considerations for Working with Black Populations

In the 23 states that collect demographics about vaccine recipients, white residents are getting vaccinated at higher rates than Black residents. In order to change these inequities, vaccination rollout must have a health equity lens.

Oral Health Providers Could Accelerate Vaccine Distribution

As a recent article in The New York Times highlighted, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect the delivery of oral health care across the United States.

MACPAC’s Recommendations Hit the Mark on Immediate Ways to Improve Medicaid

During its January meeting, the non-partisan Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC) made several recommendations to Congress that could pave the way for additional improvements to Medicaid with a more receptive administration and new Congress. MACPAC’s recent recommendations...

Getting Premium Affordability Right in the ACA

An Important Step on the Road to Equity and Universal Coverage Last night, the House Ways and Means Committee released language outlining their approach to improving subsidies, aligning themselves with the Biden COVID Relief package framework. This is a most...

New Opportunity to Enroll in Health Insurance In 2021

On Thursday, January 28, President Biden signed several executive orders intended to boost Americans’ access to quality, affordable health care, including by strenghtening the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid.

Eldercare Voices, COVID Edition: Gregg Warshaw, MD

Eldercare Voices is an occasional feature of the Center’s monthly newsletter, Health Innovation Highlights, inviting guest commentators directly involved in care delivery to older adults to share their perspectives from the field.