Where Are They Now?: The Challenges of Health Care and Housing Instabilities
Follow the journey of a young woman named Shanice, who struggled with living uninsured.
We Need to Do More to Address Drug Overdoses
From 2000 to 2014, nearly half a million people in the United States died from drug overdoses. The nation has made significant strides in battling this epidemic, but we need to do more.
Amplifying Consumer Voices in New York
New York is in the midst of massive changes to its health care system - within five years, the state expects that 80 percent of residents will receive care under a value-based payment scheme
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation: Pathway to Better Health Outcomes
Even with health care coverage, Medicaid beneficiaries still find themselves facing numerous barriers to accessing the care they need and achieving better health outcomes. One barrier that continues to cause serious access problems is transportation.
Louisiana Is a Health Care Innovator (Yes, Louisiana!)
Louisiana is the leading the way when it comes to being innovative to improve the lives of its citizens. Our new Governor John Bel Edwards boldly campaigned that he would expand Medicaid in a deeply red state.
What’s the Buzz on Closing the Coverage Gap to Fight Zika?
This month, the first wave of locally-transmitted Zika virus infections in the continental United States in Florida could signal the escalation of a public health crisis with lasting consequences.
The Takeaway: Oh Aetna, Aetna, Aetna
Without a doubt the biggest health policy/politics story of last week was Aetna’s announced pullout from a large number of ACA markets.
The Takeaway: Are We Seeing the Last Gasp of Repeal and Replace? (Maybe Kinda Sorta)
It's been a surprising electoral campaign in many respects, but from a health policy standpoint, what isn't happening is perhaps as surprising as what is happening.
Connecticut’s Summer Slog
Transitioning between Medicaid and Marketplace coverage can create health care potholes for consumers, placing them in harm’s way. Transitioning coverage can be further complicated by challenges with health literacy and health insurance literacy