The Takeaway: With Friends Like These...

Congressional Republicans and President Trump seem to delight in spinning colorful metaphors to describe the Affordable Care Act (ACA), from a collapsing bridge to a traffic accident.

Beware of Block Grants: Along With ACA Defense, We Need to Protect Medicaid Too

Kellyanne Conway signaled the new administration’s desire to convert funding for the Medicaid program to block grants to states, with the assertion that doing so would mean "those closest to the people in need will be administering the program."

Double Jeopardy for Children with Disabilities

As we face a future that could hold the repeal of the ACA and the emergence of a Department of Education that does not stand up for the civil rights of children with disabilities, I am acutely aware of the lose-lose situation for kids and their families.

Medicaid Innovation Would Flatline Under Block Grants and Per Capita Caps

[Medicaid] has meant many more kids, grandparents and people with chronic health conditions have been able to get the care they need

The Takeaway: The Republican Health Care Bait and Switch

The classic “bait and switch” in the world of retail sales is to entice people with an offer of something good and then switch them to something of either inferior quality, higher price or both.

What LGBT Seniors Stand to Lose in ACA Repeal

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) older adults face many of the same health and aging challenges other older adults face, but more pronounced.

Takeaway Part II: Reality Checking the “Reality Check”

While repeating opposition arguments isn't generally good messaging practice, there are a few other significant problems with the "reality check"

Eldercare Voices: Vulnerable Older Americans and Their Families Depend on the ACA and Medicaid

Gregg Warshaw, MD Proposals to dismantle the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and reduce funding for Medicaid will have a disproportionate impact on low-income older adults and their families. The median income for older adults in the U.S. is less than...

Uncertainty Around ACA Stirs Fear In Immigrant Communities

Following the election of Donald Trump, immigrant communities have grown increasingly anxious about their safety and well-being.